Monday, January 21, 2008

Football Musings

Who would have thought that going into the Super Bowl, that the Patriots would have to fix Tom Brady? He looked sloppy and slow all day. Passes behind guys, no zip on the ball, he was missing that usual "step-up" in the pocket. Three picks, and the Pats still win. It was a nail biter, but I bet TFB is in the film room right now dissecting his game.

However, Laurence Maroney really is the man of the hour this morning in Boston. he ran like he did last week, charging straight ahead, carrying tacklers with him, or knocking them on their butts. I loved watching it, watching that clock tick down, knowing that the Chargers couldn't stop him. Great football to watch.

And the defense played fantastically. Four field goals how can you complain about that? Tedy looked young, Junior was all over the place, Vrabel was getting into the backfield all the time, great team defense.

But the surprise of the night was the NY Giants. I am glad they won, I would rather play them than the ref-aided GB Packers, but I left this game the same way I left last week's Chargers-Colts game? How the heck did NY win this game? All those missed field goals from Tynes, GB throwing away their game plan of short passes that had benefited them all year, and Favre dressed liked he was Shackleton while Eli looked like he was at the beach? Weird, weird game. The three things I take out of it.
Tynes won't miss those field goals in Arizona, Plaxico had a HUGE day, and the runnign game of the Giants looks pretty good.

It is going to be a really good game in two weeks, it will not be a walk-over by any means. Can we finally force Eli into a turn-ver, can TFB bounce back, and where the heck is Randy Moss. I mean, he is a great blocker, but he is not going to the Hall of Fame for that.

Maybe I can finagle tickets. WS and Super Bowl in the same year would be cool, huh?

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