Wow, it has been a while since I was on a mountain bike actually on a mountain. I just got back from riding Waterton Canyon, the road leading up to the dam, and the singletrack loop at the end. Whew! I was in my lowest gear just crawling up some of the climbs, and I had to dismount to get down some of the descents. Overall, it was a fun time, even got an ice bath in to heal my legs in the creek afterwards. Just over 100 minutes of aerobic exercise, no wonder in Colorado everyone is so fit!
In other news, I was poking around the Orienteering world last night, and found this.
Three Sprint Courses for North American Sprint Series at Manitou Park (Woodland Park)
Saturday, July 19th, 2008
Doesn't this look totally awesome!! They have beginner courses, they even hook you up with maps and compasses. I think WTFAC should totally do this, it would be loads of fun! Let me know what you think, either in comments or in person.
See you all bright an early (7:00) tomorrow morning!