WOD for Wednesday 12.30.09
The workouts have the same pattern as last week:
Monday- Weights
Tuesday- Running
Wednesday- Weights
Thursday- Running
Friday- Weights (heavy weights, low number of sets and reps) and running
1x6 of the 6 warm up movements
-World's Greatest Stretch
-Knee Hug to Lunge
-Drop lunge
-Inverted Hamstring
-Push-up to squat to accelerate
Warm-up videos from Mark Verstegen at Core Performance
No running today
Front Squat 3x5 (3 sets of 5 reps)
-If you worked out last week you should 5-10 lbs heavier than you did last week
-If you are just getting back into working out, then do 80% of what you did for your 3 rep max a few weeks ago, but just do it for 5 reps instead.
Bench Press 3x5 (2 videos: barbell or dumbbell are both fine)
-Be safe!
Power Clean 3x3 (A very technical lift, try to emulate the video as much as you can)
-Warm-up: do at least 3-4 warm up sets before you get to the hard work
-Remember: at its most basic this lift is just a very powerful and low jump
-Key: extension of the ankles, knees, and hips
-Weight: go light and work the form; if new to this lift, using something as light as a broomstick is just fine
-Good habits to start: just like in the front squat, get the bar on your shoulders with high elbows
Back Extensions 3x8
Videos from:
Stretch for a minimum of 5 minutes
Please post
1. Weights used
2. Questions or comments.
Posted by: Coach Neale & Coach Whitenack
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