(That's a picture of us running yesterday.)
I want to make a quick commentary on how well we ran yesterday. The weather was certainly treacherous, 30 mph winds from the North coupled with 27 degrees makes for a sub-zero windchill. Even though I thought we could've dressed better, I thought we ran really well. All groups were consistently hitting their threshold times, and all groups were recovering well during the short rest. The athletes came out, ignored the brutal weather, and DID THEIR JOB. If we keep grinding through the track season one day at a time, doing our job to the best of our abilities every day, we are going to be very very successful come May. Great job yesterday, Wolverines, that was a great deposit into the training bank.
You might need to bring out the Taylor Yager list of things to wear when it's freezing cold out from way back when
I agree, that list was great! And people followed it. Too bad I can't find it anymore. :(
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