I have a new hobby, something to channel my obsessiveness into when track is not enough. Beth got me a great home-brewing kit for X-mas, and I have been brewing up batches of delicious adult beverages. We dream about one day starting a brewery, with my brother on the street team, Beth running the brewpub and yours truly brewing the beer. That would be awesome!
Anyways, today we bottled our American Pale Ale, recipe courtesy of the Brew Hut, which I call "8549 Ale". Here are some pics of the bottling process

Beth mixing up the corn sugar, this helps with carbonation in the bottle.

Siphoning it into the "ale pail"

Me and the "ale pail"

Now we are siphoning the beer into individual bottles.

You need to really concentrate to do this right.
Beth is now capping all the bottles.

Otis likes to help with clean-up.
Make sure you keep those hoses clean. I was bottling a batch once, and there was a bacterial infection that got out of control. It was pretty weird to just be sitting around when all of a sudden bottles in the closet start shattering by themselves!
Maybe I shouldn't have primed the siphon orally...but whatever.
Wow, Beth's hair got LONG! It's awesome.
Oh, and I'll hire you to brew with me when I start my Valhalla Brewery in the Cathedral in Lancaster.
I remember one time in college when we brewed, and they started exploding under the corner dining room table at the old Madbury Ct. house. It was like gunshots in the middle of the day. We added too much sugar, cause we wanted super alcoholic beer. Actually, I think Willie added too much sugar, but I don't really remember.But, it was not smart, not smart at all.
Beth's hair is pretty long, but she is cutting it this Monday for Locks for Love. My Social Studies teacher is organizing it, pretty cool actually.
Valhalla Brewery, pretty good idea. Once I get good at making malt liquor, I'll come as a guest brewer!!
Just downloaded the new R.E.M. album. It sounds like something we would listen to in high school, in other words, a pretty hard-rocking album, IMO.
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