My head looks like a giant pumpkin compared to her cute little peanut head, don't ya think? :)
But, we have some stuff to figure out before the scrimmage this week. So, let's talk some track. :)
The scrimmage is at Heritage HS this Saturday. This is the only meet where the athletes get to choose their events. All distance runners are expected to sign up for two events. All other runners are expected to sign up for three events, one of which may be a field event. There will be no relay races, all of the races are open races.
On Wednesday, before Spenst Hill, we will be asking athletes what events they want to do. Please be prepared with your choices. Please choose wisely. Please do as many events as possible, as to maximize your chances to make the varsity team.
The meet will be a normal schedule, but if you have any questions, you need to conference with your discipline coach before Wednesday.
Remember, this scrimmage will determine who runs in what events at the first meet, LEague Relays, which is only 14 days away!
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