Thursday, February 19, 2009

Locker Room Security

When you go to college, and you are running for your collegiate team, you will be lucky enough to have a locker room that is for your team only. Until then, however, everyone at CHS, (non-athletes included) shares a locker room. This makes for a very unsafe situation for your valuables. It seems like every day I get an email from Mr. Thompson about an athlete getting things taken from the locker room, and almost every time, the items that were taken were not locked away in a safe place.

What I am trying to say is, if you leave anything (backpacks, water bottles, large lumps of gold) in the locker room, it needs to be LOCKED up in a locker. (A zipped backpack is not a locker.) If you do not have a locker, put it in your car, or in the car of the person you ride home with. Leaving anything unattended is a bad idea, and 99 times out of 100, it will be taken.

Unfortunately, I do not know all of the guidelines for getting a locker, but I know that your phys. ed. teachers do, I know Coach Hawk does, and I know Mr. Thompson does. So, if you need a locker, please talk to one of them today. Don't continue to gamble with your stuff being left out!

I hate hearing about athletes getting stuff stolen, I think the coaches do as good of a job as they can patrolling the locker room, but we cannot keep our eyes on everything. Keep your valuables locked up, keep them in your car, keep them at home, so we can focus on running fast, instead of filling out incident reports on stolen property.


P.S. 16 days until League Relays!


Anonymous said...

you forgot to italisize one of the 'locker's

Brian Seppala said...

found it! :) :)