Wow, this Florida trip really came out of nowhere for me. Even though this has been a three day work week, I have been straight out the entire time! But, tomorrow
very early morning, I will be at DIA getting everyone ready to go to Orlando and run real fast! I am pretty excited, to say the least.
But, there are some loose ends I want to tie up here before I go. Here is the line-ups for this Saturday's meet at ThunderRidge. Remember, be at CHS by 8:00 to get on the bus! Coach Hawk will be getting your times, as well as Asst. Coach Mackenzie Maroney!

Now, for your splits. This is the 800 m split chart, make sure you know what you are capable of, and how to achieve that goal through intelligent racing.

And here is the 1600 m chart. Again, use your brain when you run this race, don;t put yourself under in the first lap.

And finally, the 3200 m pace chart. Run a smart conservative first mile, then start reeling them in the last mile!

So, make sure to have a great successful day on Saturday, wherever you are!
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