In order to get onto the wall, it takes a serious level of dedication, hard work and commitment. All of those things start in the summer, when it is 90 degrees, when you just want to kick back by the pool and relax, and track seems like a ship far, far away on the horizon.
It is not my place to tell anyone what to do in the summer. I encourage all athletes to talk to their parents about the path of training they want to take. Some kids love running/racing cross country, and those kids should train with the CHS XC team. Other kids are not as into cross country, and for them, I have developed some type of training that can benefit them. This training will be carried out as the Walnut Hills Track Club.
The Walnut Hills Track Club will not be perceived as “raiding” any talent from any other sports. If you have signed up for a fall sport, I insist that you continue with your commitment to that sport. You may not train with the W.H.T.C. if you have signed up for a fall sport. We will only accept kids that are dedicated to the spring track season. If you are one of these athletes, and you want to be the best you can be in the spring, then this club might be an option you want to discuss with your parents and family. This is not a decision to be taken lightly, it will be a major commitment of your time and effort.
The Walnut Hills Track Club is a USATF affiliated track club
Our first training session will be this Thursday. We will meet in the CHS student parking lot at 7:00 sharp in the morning. We will then carpool over to Red Rocks to get some training in. Please bring water, a little money as we stop at the gas station in Morrison for drinks afterwards, and an extra dry shirt. This is a tough workout, so be prepared! This workout is the core of the summer training, all other workouts are based around Red Rocks.
If anyone has any questions about the W.H.T.C., please feel free to contact me through email. I will be more than willing to answer any questions you might have. Thanks.
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