Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Time for a Break

The weather is finally turning summer-like, and you all know that that means! Summer training is upon us! However, since we had such an intense and long season of fall/winter/spring training, we all need to take some time off. Regulated time off lets our running muscles grow back, the half-mile hack go away and our brains get mentally ready to train hard again. It is a bad thing to train 52 weeks out of the year, the body needs rest on a weekly basis and the body needs rest on a yearly basis as well. So, here is what I would suggest you do to get ready for the intense summer training I'm designing.

The rest of this week, rest. Don't go for a run, just sit back and unwind from a long season. Enjoy it, you earned it!

Next week, starting May 26th, if you feel like going for a couple easy runs, go for it. If not, then keep resting. You know your body better than anyone else, listen to it. Stay active in other areas. Play some basketball, go for a bike ride, keep busy.

The week after that, starting June 2nd. This is when I would start ramping up your runs. Go for three or four runs this week. Maybe do them on some hilly terrain. Don't overextend yourself, but all of you love running, so do what you love. Don't bring a watch, don't shoot for a time. Just run until your feel that you are done.

The week of June 9th, you really need to start a regular schedule of running. Get to five to six days a week of training. Throw some hills in. Maybe do a fartlek or two. Stay of the pavement as much as you can, run on grass or other soft surfaces. You need to start building your base up, as well as keeping your speed muscles firing. Get back into the routine of training.

You might feel slow, that's OK. The rest now is much more important than keeping speed up. Proper rest now can ward off injury, prevent burn-out, as well as make you more efficient runner overall.

The week of June 16th, we will start with a regimented summer program of Red Rocks, intervals and Texas Runs. More on that later. Until then, however, get some rest in, listen to your body, and once your body says it's ready to go, start getting some training in!

Oh yeah! Don't neglect proper stretching, hydration and diet. Running is a lifestyle, not something you can just pick up and put down!


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