Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Missing Practices II

Well, yesterday's turn-out made me happy, to say the least. Our work ethic is still there, which is good. In addition, Coach Hawk and I solidified the attendance policy, and it will be enforced this year!


We expect you to be at practice everyday, dressed and on time. Our practices begin at 2:55 with a brief team meeting and end approximately at 5:00. If you are kept after school by a teacher, administrator or another school related activity you must bring a note signed by that teacher or administrator to be excused for being late. You may not leave practice until dismissed by your coach.

Missing Practice/Meets Policy:

PRACTICE- If an athlete has an unexcused absence, the athlete will not be able to participate in varsity or non-varsity competition that week.

The only excused absences are when an athlete is not in school that day, when the athlete has a signed doctor's note explaining the absence, or if the athlete has pre-arranged the absence with his/her coach.

Injuries and illness does not exempt you from practice.

As always, communication with the coach is key, exceptions can and will be made, but only at the coaches’ discretion.

MEETS- If you have an unexcused absence from a meet, you will not be permitted to compete in the next two meets. Two unexcused absences from meets will result in dismissal from the team.


alex said...

i got banned from dyestat. haha

Brian Seppala said...

Well, don't get banned from here either!

Zach said...

sep you should make a blog listing the times we need to run for mt sac...just to give people somethin to shoot for.