Monday, April 15, 2013


Today is a holiday in Boston. It's Patriots Day. No one is in school. Banks and post offices are closed. A state holiday. Everyone is out watching the marathon, or home having lunch with the family, or day drinking at the Sox game.  You'd take your kid to the park, cause from the looks of it, it is a perfect spring New England day. The best place in the world to be on a great spring day is Boston, hands down.

That's why these bombs that blew up on Bolyston are so scary. I am not going to post any pictures or any video here, but this is horrible, horrible stuff. People died today, just thinking they were going to watch a race. And this didn't occur during the elites. They were long gone. This happened when all the husbands and wives were watching their spouses finally achieve a huge goal of training for and completing a marathon.  The people who are lucky to break four hours, the ones who have to walk and were struggling to get in. A joyous occasion for so many people who don't want to win, but want to be more healthy for themselves and the people who love them. And just like that, bombs blew up, and it was all over.

Sickening, disgusting and tragic. My stomach is churning. I love that city, I love running there, I love everything about Boston. And now that place will never be quite the same. I guess this happens all over the world to cities on a regular basis. But it is tough when it is my beloved city of Boston.

My thoughts and love and hope go out to everyone involved.


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